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  • Corvita Group's Value Expedition

    Corvita Group developed the Value Expedition to assess the current state of business operations and its technology. Work alongside our expert consultants to create a scalable technology infrastructure that can meet the demands of the market and future growth of your business!

Driving Innovation & Efficiency

In today's competitive global marketplace, companies are constantly innovating and improving their operations & technologies in order to increase efficiency and overall savings. Whether you're focused on a single project or looking to redesign your infrastructure, we can join you on that journey.

What's on the Horizon

At the core of our assessment process, Corvita Group believes the vision for the business' future state should be the driving factor in determining the scope of any given engagement. Our industry experts will partner with you to evaluate the future state of the industry, and help to develop a strategy specific to YOUR BUSINESS to meet the demands of an ever-changing marketplace. 

Know Your Environment

After setting the destination and establishing expectations, our team will analyze the environment's current state and determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This information gets compared to industry best practices and differentiators are identified.

Chart Your Course

During this process, our team of professionals will use the SWOT analytics to develop an "Efficiency Compass", tailored for future state realization.  The Efficiency Compass is the strategy that is developed for a continual evaluation of the process for any given project.  This continuous evaluation throughout the life of a project will confirm the project's trajectory. 

Take the Journey

After the Efficiency Compass is reviewed and adjustments have been made, a Stakeholder/Executive presentation will be scheduled.


Finally, the Efficiency Compass and continuous improvement plan are presented. Our expert consultants will answer any questions, and then discuss the Next Steps.


  • Depending on scope, the Expedition Timeline is typically 10-21 days before completion.
  • Corvita Group consultants will spend 12-24 hours on-site at your operation learning the business and conducting interviews with stakeholders. (Time may vary by engagement scope.)
  • Our consultants will lead you through a review of your current state, industry best practices and aid in identifying key differentiators.
  • Through the understanding and documentation of systemic/process gaps, business risks and dependencies, our consultants will develop the Corvita Group Efficiency Compass which includes:
    • SWOT Analysis
    • Gap Analysis
    • Cost/benefit Analysis
    • Execution Plan
    • Continuous Improvement Plan
    • Executive Summary
  • Our team will partner with your project sponsor to deliver the final deliverable with a quantifiable business impact to Project Stakeholders. (Corvita Group's team is available for onsite presentation of final deliverables as well, depending on engagement scope.)
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